An attractive old and unusually sharp cast
Los 3572
ITALY. Firenze. Repubblica, 1189-1532. Medal (Bronze, 79 mm, 228.51 g, 12 h), on Alessandro di Gino Vecchietti (1472-1532). By N. Fiorentino, but an old aftercast, no date (after 1498). •ALESSANDRO•DI - GINO•VECHIETTI• / ANNI 26 Draped bust of Alessandro Vecchietti to right. Rev. Venus or Fortuna with billowing sail in her right hand, riding a dolphin to left; to her right, stoat on a rock with ribbon inscribed PRIVS•MORI•QVAE•TVRPARI in its mouth; to her left, allegory of the wind emerging from waves. Bargello 256. Börner 391. Kress 290. Pollard 256. An attractive old and unusually sharp cast in high relief. Nearly extremely fine.

The Vecchietti were one of the oldest and most prominent Florentine families. Members of the family played significant roles in the affairs of the city-republic, serving as Gonfaloniere of Justice, Priori, and Condottieri. To this day, the Palazzo Vecchietti in Florence stands as a testament to the family's influence. Dante Alighieri encountered a member of the Vecchietti family in paradise in The Divine Comedy, Paradiso, Cantos 115–117.
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